All scores are claimed scores unless otherwise noted.
January: ARRL RTTY Round Up
QSO’s: 0
Mult’s: 0
Score: 0
Op Time: 0 Hrs
Comment: To make a long story short, I did not operate in the 2013 RTTY RU, ending my run of 6 consecutive years of having the top
low power, single op score from Indiana. Bummer.
January: NAQP CW (Final Score)
QSO’s: 415
Mult’s: 137
Score: 56,855
Op Time: 6 Hrs
Comment: IN 2012 I operated the full 10 hours for this contest and racked up my highest score ever (139,441 points from 779 QSO’s).
As was the case for the RTTY RU, circumstances would not allow a full 10-hour operation for 2013 but I did manage to get on for a few
hours here or there in order to generate some points for the NAQP challenge contest between the NCCC and the SMC.
January: NAQP SSB (Final Score)
QSO’s: 149
Mult’s: 71
Score: 10,579
Op Time: 3 Hrs
Comment: The first time I have operated in this contest as SOLP since 2010.
Goal was to generate some points for the NAQP challenge contest between
the NCCC and the SMC.
February: CQ WPX RTTY @ K9CT
QSO’s: 4,180
Mult’s: 1,068
Score: 12,872,604
Comment: I had the honor and privilege of joining Craig, K9CT, at his super
station west of Peoria, IL. This was a M/2 operation; other team members
were Ralph K9ZO, Mike N7MB and Steve AI9T. We had a goal of breaking
the previous 9-Land record of just under 4M points. We blasted through that
in the first 12 hours and ended up with a raw score that would rank fifth all-
time in the world for all categories. See pictures here.
February: NAQP RTTY (FInal Score)
QSO’s: 687
Mult’s: 163
Score: 111,981
Op Time: 10 Hrs
Comment: My best ever score in an NAQP RTTY Contest and good for first
place among Indiana stations.
February: WIQP (Final Score)
QSO’s: 143
Mult’s: 51
Score: 16,600
Comment: A better score than last year, thanks to a rainy day that made
outside work impractical. First place for Indiana stations.
March: BARTG RTTY Single Operator Single Band 40
QSO’s: 210
Mult’s: 42
Continents: 6
Score: 45,360
Op Time: 13 Hrs
Comment: First time operating this contest since 2008. This effort was calculated to place in the single op single band 40M category
and the resulting effort would have been second world, first NA for 2012.
March: CQ WPX SSB as K9WX/M
QSO’s: 34
Pt’s: 70
WPX: 32
Score: 2,240
Comment: Operated mobile to test set up for the May INQP. This was a new installation in a new vehicle. Was able to work a
surprising amount of DX and very few close-in stations, which will be a problem in the INQP. More testing needed.
April: EA RTTY
QSO’s: 75
Pt’s: 309
Mult’s: 37
Score: 11,433
Comment: A 40M single band entry. Had intended to make a major effort but got a late start and missed the prime high band
opportunites to work into Europe, so opted to switch to a single band entry to take advantage of evening and early morning
April: MIQP Final Score
QSO’s: 164
Mult’s: 85
Score: 20,570
Op Time: 5 Hrs
Comment: Several of the mobile stations had GREAT signals. It would be instructive to be able to see their installations. This score
was been good for first place for IN stations and 10th for the US eastern region.
April: FQP
QSO’s: 18
Pt’s: 56
Mult’s: 18
Score: 1,008
Op Time: < 1 Hr
Comment: One sure sign of spring is the Florida QSO Party, held every year during the 4th full weekend of April for the express
purpose of getting everyone warmed up for the Indiana QSO Party which occurs the following week. I made a grand total of 18 FQP
QSO's, all from my driveway to test my INQP mobile setup. And am pleased to say it appears everything is working well.
MAY: INQP (Final Score)
QSO’s: 587
Pt’s: 1046
Mult’s: 112
Score: 117,152
Op Time: 12 Hrs
Comment: A major mobile effort, with stops at nine different locations, 6 of which were county lines, a total of 12 counties, and good for
3rd place among Indiana mobiles. I was in the field for the entire 12 hour contest period. But, the log only shows on-the-air time of
6:40. Most of the balance was spent driving plus a small amount of set up and tear down at each stop (I had 3 different Hustler masts
in use to cover the planned bands and modes). My pre-contest plan showed 3:40 of driving time between stops so if you throw in
nearly an hour for dinner (an unplanned luxury) and a couple of rest
stops that's 12 hours.
If I had it to do over: I would spend more time on 20M phone to try to
grab more non-IN mults. I thought I would be able to snare more of
these on 40M phone but that didn't happen for some reason.
My biggest oops!: I carefully collated the published schedules for all the
mobiles and printed them out on a single sheet of paper to use as a
reference during the contest. Unfortunately, I failed to print out MY
schedule to take along! I was able to use my iPhone to bring up a copy
of the email of my schedule that I had posted to the INQP reflector, so
in the end this was not a major oops. But, still. . . . .
MAY: 7QP (Final Score)
QSO’s: 92
Mult’s: 30
Score: 8,250
Comment: Run concurrently with the INQP. Not sure why but my entry
was classified as mobile multi-single low mixed, taking first place in that
category for non-7’s.
QSO’s: 67
Pt’s: 130
Mult’s: 24
Score: 3,120
Comment: Run concurrently with the INQP.
JUNE: Field Day Op at W9LDX, 1A IN
QSO’s: 1,284
Score: 4,682 including bonus points
Comment: Strong storms created S9 noise on 40M and 80M throughout most of the contest and our QSO total was down significantly
from our 2011 1A entry which took 5th place in that event. It turned out that everyone’s scores were down. We finished first in Indiana
for 1A, first in the Central Division for 1A and 6th in the country for 1A.
JULY: RAC Canada Day
QSO’s: 171
Points: 970
Mult’s: 12
Score: 11,640
Comment: A 40M single band entry. Managed to top my 2012 score which ended up taking first place, world, for the 40M single band
entry category. This year it was only good for first place, USA.
JULY: NAQP RTTY (Final Score)
QSO’s: 398
Mult’s: 121
Score: 48,158
Op Time: 6 hours
Team: SMC Picnic Basket
Comment: Operating time was limited due to other commitments. Band conditions were weird and during the course of the
contest I would have said not very good. But, the rates at times were incredible. I made 92 QSO’s during the 0000z hour which
is unprecidented for me. This contest does not have any activity on 160M and, as is typical, rates dropped off dramatically after
AUGUST: NAQP CW (Final Score)
QSO’s: 667
Mult’s: 148
Score: 98,716
Op Time: 9.5 hours
Team: SMC Team S
Comment: My first time ever with a raw score over 100K for the August NAQP, although the total was eventually reduced in the
final results. Still good for second place, Indiana. Although the Butternut vertical showed it was properly tuned for 160M
(according to my RigExpert antenna analyzer) the radios could not tune it and I only managed 4 QSO’s on 160M, which
significantly reduced my multiplier total. Upon inspection the next day, it appeared a squirrel or large bird may have perched on
top of the 160M coil, compressing it and thus lowering my resonant frequency down to about 1700kHz.
QSO’s: 24
Mult’s: 14
Score: 336
Op Time: 0.5 hours
Comment: Thirty minutes at the start of the contest.
AUGUST: CW Open Session 1
QSO’s: 115
Mult’s: 99
Score: 11,385
Op Time: 2.25 hours
Comment: First time operating in this contest. Had good rates for the first 2 hours but when it was time to drop down to 80M and
160M both bands were solid S9 noise from local storms and that was all she wrote.
September: WAQP
QSO’s: 122
Points: 331
Mult’s: 26
Bonus Points: 1,000
Score: 9,606
Op Time: 4 hours
Comment: First time operating the Salmon Run since 2003. Most op time was on day 1. Unfortunately, there was relatively little
activity on the low bands, at least when I was in the chair.
September: CQ WW RTTY @ K9CT
QSO’s: 4,845
Points: 11,989
Mult’s: 757
Score: 9,075,673
Comment: Back to Craig’s contest station, this time for
the CQ WW RTTY event. We started with the goal of
breaking the former W9 record of 1.4M and passed that
mark at 1400Z on day 1; we then targeted the former
NA record of 5.8M and passed that mark at 1400Z on
day 2. Shortly after, we passed the 2012 winning score
of 6.4M. Despite these stellar accomplishments, it
appears that we would, at best, finish in second place
US and world due to an even more stellar performance
at W1UE. Our six-member team included Steve AI9T,
Bill K3WA, Ralph K9ZO and Roger N4RR along with
K9CT and moi.
October: ILQP (Final Score)
QSO’s: 200
Points: 318
Mult’s: 80
Score: 25,440
Comment: A causal and pleasant pace but still spent
over 5 hours in the chair. Ended up taking first place for Indiana stations and 8th place US for non-Illinois stations. Most contacts
were on 40M with a few on 80; a lot of the stations told me I was really loud. Of course, you want to be loud in a contest but those
comments are probably telling me the antenna (the Alpha-Delta DX-CC) might not do much when it comes to DX.
November: SS CW (Final Score)
QSO’s: 702
Mult’s: 83
Score: 116,632
Op Time: 17 Hours
Comment: My all-time best score is SS CW, good for first place among Indiana low power unlimited stations. Also, the earliest in
the contest to record the sweep: a VE2 called in at 1130z on Sunday morning. It’s funny how the activity level varies from section
to section each year. There have been years, for example, when I would pay a huge price for an SF or SC. This year, they were
in abundance.
December: ARRL 160
QSO’s: 173
Mult’s: 43
Score: 14,878
Op Time: 4 Hours
Comment: A rare QRP entry for me. I entered the 2011 contest in the QRP category and had the top QRP score from Indiana.
So, this was an effort crassly calculated to win a certificate, although I ended up with a much lower score this year. I used my
end-fed long wire exclusively and can’t say that it was any better than my Butternut HF9V in terms of signal strength but, unlike
the Butternut which has a usable bandwidth of about 30kHz, I could easily match the bottom 100kHz of the 160 band with the
long wire using the internal tuner of the radio, making the long wire the better choice for this contest.
December: 10M RTTY
QSO’s: 16
Mult’s: 9
Score: 144
Comment: Thought I might be able to work a new country or at least some new band/mode countries, but no joy.
December: RAC Winter
QSO’s: 164
Mult’s: 16
Score: 17,728
Op Time: 5 Hours
Comment: My usual 40M low power entry for this friendly little contest, resulting in first place - world for non-VE stations.
Although I will confess that I started getting frustrated at the number of VE’s who would call CQ on phone around 7075 but not
listen up. 143 of my 164 QSO’s were on CW but provinces are multipliers on both phone and CW so it’s important to be able to
work the mults when you hear them on phone.
December: Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge
QSO’s: 118
Score: 296
Comment: Best (and only) DX was a KH6 for 14 points. Antenna was a 57' end fed wire using a Balun Designs 9:1 unun (see up about 30 feet. This antenna seems to operate as
well as my previous 160M antenna, (a Butternut HF9V) but has the advantage of being able to tune a much wider bandwidth
using just the internal tuner of my 756ProIII.