All scores are claimed scores unless otherwise noted.
CWops CWT Sessions Worked: 80
January: ARRL RTTY Roundup
QSOs: 1218
Mults: 95
Score: 115,710
Op Time: 22 hours
My best ever score for this contest. More QSOs and more mults than ever. What’s
not to like? Confusion still reigns in the contesting community about the break rule. I
made a few high-power QSOs at the end of the contest in order to qualify for the
SOHP category; I will confess that I was category shopping in the hopes of winning
the ARRL Central Division plaque, and it turns out I was successful. Was also good
for first place, Indiana. Always a very, very fun way to spend the weekend on the
January: NAQP CW (final score)
QSOs: 756
Mults: 150
Score: 111,601
Op Time: 10 hours
QSOs and mults down from last year. The lack of activity on 15 and 10 largely
responsible. 4th place for Indiana
January: NAQP SSB (final score)
QSOs: 214
Mults: 79
Score: 16,536
Op Time: 4:34
A disappointing effort. I had planned to operate longer but could not get any traction on rate. People had a hard time hearing me and I
did not hear as many stations as I expected to hear. See comments below for BARTG RTTY Sprint for more info.
January: BARTG RTTY Sprint
QSOs: 10
Mults: 10
Score: 160
Op Time: 1 hours
I had not operated this contest for several years, turned off by the
way the entry categories are constructed. The band change rule
makes a low power SO2R entry impractical. But I had some time
and figured I would jump in. As was the case for the NAQP SSB, I
was not very productive. I also had weirdness with the dipole. My
KAT500 tuner, which operates from memory, kept showing a high
SWR. I had noticed this same thing during the CWTs between the
NAQP SSB and the BARTG contest and made a mental note to go
out and look at the antenna to see if it was OK. But that mental note
was not worth the paper it was written on. When I had the same
problem during this contest, I went outside to look and discovered
that one of the support ropes for the dipole had broken and half the
antenna, including the feed point, was lying on the roof at about 20
feet. It may have been that way during the NAQP SSB which would
account for conditions I experienced then. A couple of hours of work a few days later restored the dipole to tip-top condition.
February: State QSO Parties
MNQP: 55 QSOs, 26 Mults, 2,860
BCQP: 2 QSOs, 2 Mults, 16
VTQP: 10 QSOs, 8 Mults, 272
February: CW WPX RTTY @ K9CT
QSOs: 3,351
WPX: 989
Score: 9,284,723
Ops: K9NR, N9CK, K9WX, K9CT, AI9T, KT9L
From Craig’s 3830 write-up: We had an excellent team. Each
contributed a solid effort and made the weekend a lot of fun.
The conditions were not as good the first 24 hours as the last.
We never left a chair open no matter the rate. Some Murphy
excitement but we worked around the gremlins when they
This is a very enjoyable contest not matter conditions because
we can work everyone that calls. Thanks for all of the QSOs!
It was fun being on the online scoreboards. Please plan on
participating as it add another element of excitement and
competitive encouragement.
February: NAQP RTTY (Final Score)
QSOs: 578
Mults: 121
Score: 69,938
Little to no activity on the high bands due to lack of propagation. So, those multipliers
were largely missing and my score was subsequently disappointing. In some
previous runnings I had worked straight through the first 10 hours. But this time
around, seeing as how the early rates would be low due to the lack of high-band
propagation, I took a couple of half hour breaks at 2100z and 2345z in order to shift
some operating time to later in the contest, with positive results. Second place
March: State QSO Parties
NCQP: 25 QSOs, 16 Mults, 1,200
SCQP: 4 QSOs, 3 Mults, 24
IDQP: 14 QSOs, 12 Mults, 264
WIQP: 89 QSOs, 44 Mults, 11,286
OKQP: 42 QSOs, 26 Mults, 3,146
VAQP: 93 QSOs, 48 Mults, 8,256
April: State QSO Parties
MSQP: 41 QSOs, 18 Mults, 1,170
LAQP: 24 QSOs, 23 Mults, 1,940
MOQP: 54, QSOs, 28 Mults, 2,704
NEQP: 16 QSOs, 9 Mults, 207
GAQP: 117 QSOs, 54 Mults, 10,044
NMQP: 16 QSOs, 8 Mults, 232
NDQP: 5 QSOs, 5 Muts, 25
MQQP: 103 QSOs, 60 Mults, 9,340
ONQP: 90 QSOs, 49 Mults, 10,486
FLQP: 255 QSOs, 73 Mults, 31,901
May: INQP (Final Score)
QSOs: 542
Points: 1,004
Mults: 124
Score: 124,496
Op time: 10 hours. The other 2 hours of the contest were spend operating as
part of the W9LDX distributed MO, where I made 109 CW QSOs.
By the first weekend of May, the COVID-19 pandemic was in full bloom and the INQP
rules committee decided to suspend mobile, portable and multi-op operations. So I
operated from home instead of my usual 12-county mobile operation. It was a good
day although I only finished third in the SOLP category. Even if those 103 QSOs
made for W9LDX had been in my log I would still have only been third.
May: Volta RTTY
QSOs: 8
Mults: 7
Score: 2,128
QSOs: 523
Points: 1,208
Mults: 341
Score: 411,928
Started operating to work some new DX Challenge band slots and kept going because the conditions and activity was good. Gotta
love a contest where some many QSOs are also multpliers.
May: State QSO Parties
7QP: 82 QSOs, 34 Mults, 8,160
DEQP: 8 QSOs, 3 Mults, 900
NEWQP 159 QSOs, 46 Mults, 13,478
ARQP: 91 QSOs, 39 Mults, 5,811
June: ARRL June VHF
QSOs: 282
Mults (Grids): 109
Score: 30,738
My first ever serious effort at a VHF contest, inspired by the installation of a 6 m
beam. What a difference a decent antenna makes. Of the 282 QSOs, 202 were FT8
(182) and FT4 (20), 42 CW and 38 SSB. I’m told conditions were excellent and I
would not argue with that. I’ve been told I should have spent more time on SSB as,
when the band is open, that’s where the best rate will be. My new antenna also
served me well outside of the contest, quickly working and confirming over 200 grids
and 10 countries for DX Challenge, include several Europe.
June: ARRL Field Day
QSOs: 903
Score: 3,610
As was the case with the May INQP, the COVID-19 pandemic altered the rules and
the playing Field for Field Day. My traditional FD group, the Lafayette DX
Association, decided to abandon its traditional 1A operation. I considered by 1C
(mobile) and 1E (home station, emergency power) entries for myself but in the end I
wimped out and did a 1D home station. I made a lot of QSO and had a lot of BIC
time but missed the fellowship of the traditional setting. Counting my bonus points
(copying the FD bulletin, originating 10 traffic messages, sending a traffic message to
the Indiana SM, social media and onllne entry) my claimed score was 4,060
June: State QSO Parties
KYQP: 45 QSOs, 24 Mults, 3,368
WVQP: 11 QSOs, 7 Mults, 312
July: IARU
QSOs: 158
Point: 326
ITU: 29
HQ: 33
Score: 20,212
An all CW effort, only 3 hours in the chair. Will be an also-ran in the final results.
July: NS RTTY Sprint
QSOs: 28
Mults: 11
Score: 308
A warmup exercise for the NAQP RTTY.
July: NAQP RTTY (Final Score)
QSOs: 659
Mults: 152
Score: 100,168
Op Time: 10 hours
Fifth place in the Central Division and second place Indiana. 15 m yielded 77
QSOs and 30 mults and those mults made a huge difference in my final score. Did
not sign up for a team as I was unsure what my operating time would be, but ended
up operating the full 10 hours.
August: State QSO Parties
MDQP: 24 QSOs, 11 Mults, 556
OHQP: 42, QSOs, 31 Mults, 2,604
KSQP: 113 QSOs, 50 Mults, 15,400 (includes 7 FT8 QSOs)
August: NAQP CW (Final Score)
QSOs: 761
Mults: 141
Score: 107,301
Op Time: 9.5 hours
Thirtheenth place in the Central Division and fifth place Indiana. 15 m yielded
only 15 QSOs an 8 mults, a poor showing compared to the RTTY contest.
September: State QSO Parties
COQP: 14 QSOs, 10 Mults, 240
TNQP: 107 QSOs, 64 Mults, 20,844
ALQP: 28 QSOs, 19 Mults, 1,064
TXQP: 130 QSOs, 70 Mults, 25,900
IAQP: 39 QSOs, 33 Mults, 2,277
NHQP: 12 QSOs, 4 Mults, 88
NJQP: 21 QSOs, 11 Mults, 396
WAQP: 66 QSOs, 21 Mults, 4,948
September: CWops CW Open
Session 1: 129 QSOs, 124 Mults, 15,996
Session 2: 2 QSOs, 2 Mults, 4
Session 3: 130 QSOs, 114, 14,820
The first time I have ever been able to operate in session 3, thanks to my XYL’s annual Labor Day familiy reunion being cancelled by
the COVID-19 crisis.
September: CQ WW RTTY 40 m Low Power Unassisted
QSOs: 438
Mults: 100
Points: 585
Score: 58,500 (40 m QSOs only)
I have operated this contest every years since 2013 from K9CT but that was not
going to happen in 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis so I operated from home. I
started the contest not knowing what kind of effort I would make. From the get go,
the signals on the high bands were weak and scarce. So I quickly decided to focus
on a 40 m single band effort. Based on raw scores, this effort put in in 4th place
NA and second place USA.
October: Illinois QSO Party K9WX mobile in IL
QSOs: 500
Mults: 73
Points: 1000
Score: 73,000
I decided to operate mobile from within Illinois to help my western neighbors
activate every county in the state. I ended up activating 10 counties and I was the
only active station from 4 of those. In-state operating time was 5 hours. I was also
motivated by the need to boost my score within the State QSO Party Challenge
competition, to try to secure a top 20 finish. In support of this goal, I also operated
as W9LDX while driving to and from Illinois, and then from the home QTH once we
had returned home, adding another 58 QSOs to my SQP numbers. XYL Kathleen
was my driver and you could not ask for anything better. Band conditions were
good but my effort to encourage Illinois stations to operate on 80m early in the day
did not get much traction. If I had it to do over, I might shift my operating time to
the last 5 hours of the contest instead of the first 5, as 80 was very good at the
end. Although that means my driver is doing her thing at night, which is a
negative. Especially if it rains as it did off and on this year. Will have to consider
that for next year. A good outing but probably only good for second place in the
mobile category due to the tremendous effort put forth by AD4EB.
October: State QSO Parties
CAQP: 109 QSOs, 32 Mults, 10,432
NVQP: 5 QSOs, 3 Mults, 42
AZQP: 41 QSOs, 25 Mults, 2000
PAQP: 139 QSOs, 48 Mults, 11,728
SDQP: 11 QSOs, 10 Mults, 140
NYQP: 168 QSOs 42 Mults, 11,340
MNQP: 55 QSOs, 26 Mults, 2,860
ILQP: 500 QSOs, 73 Mults, 73,000 (in state mobile)
ILQP: 58 QSOs, 37 Mults, 4,292 (out of state as W9LDX)
Summary for the year: I operated in all 46 SQPs, logging 3,790 QSOs and scoring 174,340 SQP points. As of October 30, this put
me in 18th place, meeting my goal of a top 20 finish. I had been out of the top 20 prior to the ILQP but by operating in-state (and
logging 500 QSOs) I jumped back 18th place as of October 30. Another 2114 made over the course of the year would have moved
me to 17th place.
November: SS CW
QSOs: 670
Mults: 83
Score: 111,220
All things considered, a good outing for me. I missed most of the Saturday night
operating period, going QRT just before 0100z, which typically have very high
rates, otherwise I might have had a personal best. Like most, I missed NT. Heard
an NT pileup at one point but decided it was not worth my time and moved on.
November: SS Phone
QSOs: 108
Mults: 46
Score: 9,936
My enthusiasm for phone contests continues to wane. A good book and a couple
of good football games seemed like a better use of my time.
December: ARRL 160
QSOs: 632
Points: 1276
Mults: 76
Score: 96,976
You can make a lot of 160m QSOs in this contest. Other than having fun,
which I did, my goal was to add as many CWops markers as possible for
their ACA and CMA awards. And, to get a sense of how my new 160m
sloper was working. I don’t work a lot of DX with it, although in this contest,
others commented on an apparent lack of DX. But the antenna also seems
to be omni-directional. Good for this contest where there are a ton of NA
stations available, but not so good for working EU DX. Sunday morning
RBN map at right.
December: FT Roundup
QSOs: 41
Points: 41
Mults: 13
Score: 9943
Meh. Once I established that I had correctly set up WSJT-X on my new PC and integrated it with N1MM+, I had little additional
motivation to slog away.
December: RAC Winter 40m
CW QSOs: 218
CW Mults: 10
SSB QSOs: 43
SSB Mults: 8
Score: 27,468
I think of this as one of my favorite short-time contests but I last operated it in 2016, where I made only 100 QSOs.
December: Stew Perry
QSOs: 200
Points: 747
Score: 747
Thus endeth the year.